the state of being totally prepared for something.

We help organisations and people to develop Robustness, Reactivity and Resilience, the key components of Readiness.

Keeping society going, people safe, networks and transportation functional, and companies in operation, means thinking about what can go wrong and how to prepare for it.

Our approach is not that of traditional risk assessment where the ‘off scale’ events are ignored because of their low probability. On the contrary, our mission is to focus on events based on the Possibility instead of Probability.

As such, we aim to develop a State of Readiness for the components of the functioning of society.

Key Readings

  • A View on National Security

    National Security. An old concept thought “acquired for ever” after the end of the Cold War. Geo-political and societal events have brought the necessity to defend our values, freedom and security of society, people and the economy back into the…

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  • Naval Protection Course

    Naval Protection Course

    Course ID: C083 xxx

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  • Bringing minds together

    Bringing minds together

    The threats to society are very diverse, especially if they are the result of malicious intent from a state- or non-state based adversary. The ways to protect and restore society are also very diverse: they require actions in various domains…

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  • You already know us…

    CEMAC Public Services vzw is changing name and adapting its activities to a dynamic new world. The rapidly evolving geopolitical and related security context requires rethinking the concept of Resilience and that is the reason why we are making big…

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